The fabric is a really good quality cotton and not too thin. Normally with a print that has characters or animals on there is the inevitable "cutting off of features" when sewing with it as I have spoken about before. You also get a lot of waste with fancy cutting. The beauty of the grid format is that it allows the rectangles containing the picture to be cut out without “accidental decapitation”. I decided to challenge myself to use all of the complete rectangles on the fat quarter to make a series of projects where the fabric can star as the focal point. Unlike a lot of fat quarter challenges I was content using as much other fabric as I wanted as long as I had it in my stash. I resisted the temptation to just create 40 different projects each using a single rectangle. In the end I settled on 7 projects using them to explore different aspects of the design and fabric combinations.
I contemplated making a tea wallet but worried when folded I would lose too much fabric on display – I thought about a flap on a messenger bag but that was almost too obvious then I remembered a pattern that was on my wish list of things to make (best not to discuss the length of that list!). It is a very basic origami/bento bag which uses 3 squares of fabric to make up the outside of the bag. The pattern was not actually lined but I chose to line it with a strip of blue fabric. The finished bag is surprisingly spacious – I decided not to tie the two corners to make the handle and added a button instead. It was really fun and easy to make and showcases and nice big square of fabric.
My second project was a small zipped bag, I have lost track of how many little bags like this I have made – I made the first one in 2011 and they have been a staple of my gift giving ever since. They are versatile and can be made in different sizes and with collections all nestled inside one other; I once made a set of 6 with Russian doll fabric just for the irony. I never specify what they are for as they can be used for make up or as a pencil case or just for embroidery projects. I decided to use two rectangles each side to make that the dominant fabric with a little bit of blue added to make it a little brighter and highlighs the lovely blue strip in the design. The only challenging bits of this pattern is the zip which even now takes a bit of concentration and a deep breath. I chose not to add box corners as I would loose too much of the fabric. I think this one will probably be a pencil case but who knows.

The bookmark was a really basic project that took minutes to
put together and a lot longer to embroider! I had come across it numerous times as a way to use fabric scraps – again having a fabric with straight edges lends itself to this and looks really effective. I had thought about adding elastic to the back but the tassel won in the end as it allowed me to play with pretty coloured embroidery thread! I wanted this piece to highlight the texture and amazing detail in the design. I used a single strand of black embroidery thread and tiny backstitch to outline the leaves. I used two strands to embroider the rushes using French knots and backstitch. It was fun to lift out the details. Although it did lead to me photographing leaves in the town flower garden.
I have explored the colour and textures – I have even used thick black borders as a nod to the lead. I used a large section to just speak for itself and highlighted the fabric in my pencil case but the one thing I have not done is pay rightful attention to the heron who is after all the subject of this beautiful window! I gathered up the remaining scraps from the book and the bowls to discover I had just enough for coasters. To make the coasters I used one rectangle and added on co-ordinating fabric at the sides. I then layered some wadding and a co-ordinating backing fabric that was 1.5cm bigger all the way round than my top design. Using black thread and my friend's sewing machine (I actually have the best friends!) I quilted around the Heron. This gave a subtle lift to the heron on the front and made a fantastic heron on the back. I made 4 of these and it is best not to compare them as my quilting is not that consistent.
I had a lot of fun with this fabric. It was lovely to get to work with such a special design and explore the features of it. It is a strange feeling having been in contact with the designer as it made me want to try and do it justice and show it off to its best. I also gave me the perfect excuse to make lots of things for me and not wait too long to do it. As I said at the start this was kindly posted to me - I would like to make clear that there was no requirement to blog or review the fabric and this is just because I was excited by it.